
Zabbix Web GUI

To remove blinking OK alerts from Triggers page

--- include/defines.inc.php.orig        2013-09-30 17:25:47.000000000 +0100
+++ include/defines.inc.php     2013-10-08 13:07:25.987021041 +0100
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
        define('ZBX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS',                    5);
        define('ZBX_LOGIN_BLOCK',                               30); // sec

-       define('TRIGGER_FALSE_PERIOD',                  1800);  // 30min, 0 - disable
-       define('TRIGGER_BLINK_PERIOD',                  1800);  // 30min,  0 - disable
+       define('TRIGGER_FALSE_PERIOD',                  0);     // 30min, 0 - disable
+       define('TRIGGER_BLINK_PERIOD',                  360);   // 30min,  0 - disable

        define('ZBX_MIN_PERIOD',                                3600);                  // 1 hour
        define('ZBX_MAX_PERIOD',                                2*365*86400);   // ~2 years

Apache and PHP config for performance

httpd conf
<%# Paramters -%>
<%- |
		$php_max_execution = 300,
		$php_memory_limit = 128,
		$php_post_max = 16,
		$php_upload_max_filesize = 2,
		$php_max_input_time = 300,
		$php_always_populate = -1,
		$php_date_timezone = 'Europe/London'
| -%>
# Zabbix monitoring system php web frontend

Alias /zabbix /usr/share/zabbix

<Directory "/usr/share/zabbix">
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

    <IfModule mod_php5.c>
        php_value max_execution_time <%= $php_max_execution %>
        php_value memory_limit <%= $php_memory_limit %>M
        php_value post_max_size <%= $php_post_max %>M
        php_value upload_max_filesize <%= $php_upload_max_filesize %>M
        php_value max_input_time <%= $php_max_input_time %>
        php_value always_populate_raw_post_data <%= $php_always_populate %>
        php_value date.timezone <%= $php_date_timezone %> 

<Directory "/usr/share/zabbix/conf">
    Require all denied

<Directory "/usr/share/zabbix/app">
    Require all denied

<Directory "/usr/share/zabbix/include">
    Require all denied

<Directory "/usr/share/zabbix/local">
    Require all denied
<%# Paramters -%>
<%- | String $zabbix_db_type = 'MYSQL',
      String $zabbix_db_host,
      String $zabbix_db_port = '3306',
      String $zabbix_db_name = 'zabbix',
      String $zabbix_db_user = 'zabbix_user',
      String $zabbix_db_password = 'zabbix_passwd',
      String $zabbix_svr_host,
      String $zabbix_svr_port = '10051',
      String $zabbix_svr_name = $zabbix_svr_host,
| -%>

// Zabbix GUI configuration file
global $DB;

$DB['TYPE']     = '<%= $zabbix_db_type %>';
$DB['SERVER']   = '<%= $zabbix_db_host %>';
$DB['PORT']     = '<%= $zabbix_db_port %>';
$DB['DATABASE'] = '<%= $zabbix_db_name %>';
$DB['USER']     = '<%= $zabbix_db_user %>';
$DB['PASSWORD'] = '<%= $zabbix_db_password %>';

// SCHEMA is relevant only for IBM_DB2 database
$DB['SCHEMA'] = '';

$ZBX_SERVER      = '<%= $zabbix_svr_host %>';
$ZBX_SERVER_PORT = '<%= $zabbix_svr_port %>';
$ZBX_SERVER_NAME = '<%= $zabbix_svr_name %>';
