
Zabbix Puppet - Site Params Configuration

# class to set local organisational default parameters
# still requires passwords to be passed in from a eYAML file to set values from 
# encrypted strings
class profile::zabbix::zabbix_params($database_password, $api_user_pass = 'EMPTY',) {
            $zabbix_db_user             = 'root' # Zabbix needs full access to it's own DB and there are no other DBs so no need to complicate with an extra user
            $zabbix_db_pass             = $database_password
            $zabbix_db                  = 'zabbix-db.example.com'
            $zabbix_db_type             = 'mysql'
            $zabbix_manage_db           = false
            $zabbix_version             = '3.2.1'
            $zabbix_manage_repo         = false
            $zabbix_server_host         = 'zabbix-server.example.com'
            $zabbix_url                 = 'zabbix-web.example.com'
            $zabbix_api_user            = 'zabbix-user'
            $zabbix_api_pass            = $api_user_pass
            $zabbix_timezone            = 'Europe/London'