
Zabbix Puppet - Profile Configuration

Table of contents


# == Class: profile::zabbix::agent
class profile::zabbix::agent($server) {
    class { '::zabbix::agent':
        server                  => $server,
        serveractive            => $server,
        manage_repo             => false,
        #zabbix_version          => '3.2.1', # uncomment once servers of the same version are deployed; and remove the line below
        zabbix_version          => '2.4.8',
        enableremotecommands    => 1,
        logremotecommands       => 1,
        logfile                 => '/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log',
        startagents             => 1,
        buffersend              => 300,
        hostmetadataitem        => 'system.run[jq -c .info.vm external-sys.json]',


# == Class: profile::zabbix::zabbix_proxy
# Profile that installs and configures zabbix proxy
# default module settings can be found in https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-zabbix/blob/master/manifests/params.pp
# default site settings, which override these, can be found in puppet-control-repo/blob/development/site/profile/manifests/zabbix/zabbix_params.pp ()
class profile::zabbix::zabbix_proxy {
    class { '::mysql::client' : }
    class { 'profile::zabbix::zabbix_params': }
    class { '::zabbix::proxy' :
                    zabbix_server_host          => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_server_host,
                    zabbix_version              => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_version,
                    database_type               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_type,
                    manage_repo                 => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_manage_repo,
                    configfrequency             => '120',
                    database_user               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_user,
                    database_password           => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_pass,
                    datasenderfrequency         => '10',
                    logslowqueries              => '1',
                    offlinebuffer               => '4',
                    manage_database             => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_manage_db,
#    class { 'zabbix::database':
#                    database_type     => 'mysql',
#                    zabbix_type       => 'proxy',
#                    zabbix_proxy_ip   => '',
#                    zabbix_proxy      => 'localhost',
#                    database_name     => 'zabbix_proxy',
#                    database_user     => 'root',
#                    database_password => $proxy_database_password,
#    }


# == Class: profile::zabbix::zabbix_server
# Profile that installs and configures zabbix server
class profile::zabbix::zabbix_server {
    class { '::mysql::client' : }
    class { '::zabbix::server' :
        database_host               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db,
        database_type               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_type,
        database_user               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_user,
        database_password           => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_pass,
        logslowqueries              => '1', # True
        manage_database             => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_manage_db,
        manage_repo                 => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_manage_repo,
        zabbix_version              => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_version,
        logfilesize                 => '128', # MB
        startpollers                => '1', # default of 5 is unnecessary on the server as the proxy is doing this work
        # startsnmptrapper            => '1', # uncomment this line to be able to receive SNMP traps from network equipment


# == Class: profile::zabbix::zabbix_web
# We are avoiding using the Puppet module for this profile as it does not support RHEL 6
# When the OS is upgraded you can use the commented out code as a base to configure the zabbix front end
# Profile that installs and configures zabbix front end
# Below is for RHEL/CentOS 7 and above
# class profile::zabbix::zabbix_web( $zabbix_url, $zabbix_server, $zabbix_db ) {
#   class { 'apache:' : 
#	mpm_module => 'prefork',
#   }
#   class { 'apache::mod::php' : }
#   class { '::zabbix::web' :
#        zabbix_url     => $zabbix_url,
#	zabbix_server  => $zabbix_server,
#	database_host  => $zabbix_db,
#        database_type  => 'mysql',
#	manage_repo    => false,
#   }
class profile::zabbix::zabbix_web {
    class { 'apache': mpm_module => 'prefork', }
    class { 'apache::mod::php': }
    class { 'profile::zabbix::zabbix_params': }
    class { 'zabbix::web':
                    database_host               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db,
                    database_type               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_type,
                    database_user               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_user,
                    database_password           => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_pass,
                    zabbix_version              => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_version,
                    zabbix_url                  => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_url,
                    zabbix_server               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_server_host,
                    zabbix_timezone             => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_timezone,
                    zabbix_api_user             => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_api_user,
                    zabbix_api_pass             => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_api_pass,
                    manage_repo                 => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_manage_repo,
                    default_vhost               => true,


# == Class: profile::zabbix::zabbix_srv_db_mstr
# Profile that sets up the master DB for Zabbix Server
class profile::zabbix::zabbix_srv_db_mstr( $zabbix_server_ste, $zabbix_server_sdc, $zabbix_web, $replicator_pw ) {
  class { 'profile::zabbix::zabbix_params': }
  $db_mstr_overrides = {
	  'mysqld' => {
	  #'default_password_lifetime'       => 0, # this is trying to work around the issue in 5.7 where authentication fails and first manual connection insists "You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement"
	  'server-id'                       => 1,
      'log-bin'                         => '/var/log/mysql/master-bin.log',
      'expire_logs_days'                => 1,
      'binlog_format'                   => 'MIXED',
      'binlog-do-db'                    => 'zabbix-server',
      'symbolic-links'                  => 0,
      'transaction_isolation'           => 'READ-COMMITTED',
      'innodb_buffer_pool_size'         => $innodb_buffer_pool_size,
      'innodb_file_per_table'           => true,
      'innodb_doublewrite'              => false,
      'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit'  => 2,
      'innodb_flush_method'             => 'O_DIRECT',
      'innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct'      => 0,
      'max_allowed_packet'              => '64M',
      'event_scheduler'                 => 'ON',
    'mysqld_safe'  => {
      'log-error'                       => '/var/log/mysqld.log',
      'pid-file'                        => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid',
  class { '::mysql::server' :
	  #Sets the values in /etc/my.cnf to enable efficient use of mysql database by zabbix 
    override_options => $db_mstr_overrides,
    package_name                => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::mysql_pkg_name,
    package_ensure              => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::mysql_version,
    #root_password               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_pass,
    users => {
      "replicator@$zabbix_server_ste" => {
        ensure                   => 'present',
        max_connections_per_hour => '0',
        max_queries_per_hour     => '0',
        max_updates_per_hour     => '0',
        max_user_connections     => '0',
        password_hash            => "$replicator_pw",
      "replicator@$zabbix_server_sdc" => {
        ensure                   => 'present',
        max_connections_per_hour => '0',
        max_queries_per_hour     => '0',
        max_updates_per_hour     => '0',
        max_user_connections     => '0',
        password_hash            => "$replicator_pw",
    grants => {
      "replicator@$zabbix_server_ste/*.*" => {
        ensure     => 'present',
        #options    => ['GRANT'],
        table      => '*.*',
        user       => "replicator@$zabbix_server_ste",
      "replicator@$zabbix_server_sdc/*.*" => {
        ensure     => 'present',
        #options    => ['GRANT'],
        table      => '*.*',
        user       => "replicator@$zabbix_server_sdc",
  class { '::zabbix::database' :
        manage_database             => true,
        database_schema_path        => "/usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-${profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_version}/",
        database_type               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_type,
        #database_user               => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_user,
        #database_password           => $profile::zabbix::zabbix_params::zabbix_db_pass,
        zabbix_server               => $zabbix_server, # would be ideal to use some Puppet fact here somehow. Unless the hostname option is set to the DNS CNAME in zabbix_server.conf
        zabbix_web                  => $zabbix_web, # would be ideal to use some Puppet fact here somehow. Unless PHP config can be updated to use the DNS CNAME
   # Lay down the zql files that allow the mysql database to manage partitions
  file { '/home/sql' :
	  ensure => directory,
	  owner  => 'root',
	  group  => 'root',
	  mode   => '0755'
  file { '/home/sql/zabbix_partitioning.sql' :
	  ensure  => present,
	  owner   => 'root',
	  group   => 'root',
	  mode    => '0750',
	  source  => 'puppet:///custom_files/sql/zabbix_partitioning.sql',
	  require => Class['::zabbix::database'],
  file { '/home/sql/zabbix_partitioning_event.sql' : 
	  ensure  => present,
	  owner   => 'root',
	  group   => 'root',
	  mode    => '0750',
	  source  => 'puppet:///custom_config_files/sql/zabbix_partitioning_event.sql',
    require => Class['::zabbix::database'],
   # run the sql commands if the files change to enable zabbix partitioning
#  exec { 'partitioning' :
#	  command     => 'cat zabbix_partitioning.sql | mysql -uroot zabbix_server',
#	  cwd         => '/home/sql',
#	  path        => ['/bin','/usr/bin'],
#	  subscribe   => File['/home/sql/zabbix_partitioning.sql'],
#	  refreshonly => true,
#  }
#  exec { 'partitioning_event' :
#	  command     => 'cat zabbix_partitioning_event.sql | mysql -uroot zabbix_server',
#	  cwd         => '/home/sql',
#	  path        => ['/bin','/usr/bin'],
#	  subscribe   => File['/home/sql/zabbix_partitioning_event.sql'],
#	  refreshonly => true,
#  }