


mysqld_safe is a process that starts mysqld with some extra security functions. On BSD this is the default start process used in the start scripts “/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server”.

One of the flags it uses is –defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf. This is an option file to be read in addition to the usual option files used for mysqld_safe, not mysqld. If it doesn’t exist but the present of another my.cnf exists it doesn’t matter.

The my.cnf file is set in the /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe script with the following lines:

  if test -r "$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION/etc/my.cnf" && test -r "$DATADIR/my.cnf"
    log_error "WARNING: Found two instances of my.cnf -
$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION/etc/my.cnf and


log-bin	= mysql-bin
Expire_logs_days	= 1
Transaction-isolation	= READ-COMMITTED
Binlog_format	= MIXED
Event_scheduler	= ON
Innodb_boofer_pool	= 4G
Innodb_file_per_table	= ON
Innodb_flush_logs_at_trx_commit	= 2
Innodb_doublewrite	= false
Innodb_flush_method	= O_DIRECT
Innodb_max_ditry_pages	= 0
Innodb_support_xa	= false
Max_allowed_packets	= 64M

Add MySQL history tables partitioning

Maintenance of partitions should be done from root mysql account so zabbix@ account does not need to have granted permissions allowing create and drop partitions.
To add partitioning need to be done:

Importing partitioning.sql file containing SQL procedures used on create and maintainance partitions.

This file needs to be imported to root account by:
cat partitioning.sql mysql -uroot

Short description imported procedures:

  1. partition_create - create a partition on the given table in the given <schema>.partition_drop - This will drop partitions older than the given timestamp on the given table in the given schema.
  2. partition_maintenance - it is responsible for parsing the given parameters and then creating/dropping partitions as needed
  3. partition_verify - checks if partitioning is enabled on the given table in the given schema. If it is not enable, it creates a single partition.
    1. Add partitioning can be added by execute in mysql command queries:
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history', 14, 24, 7);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_uint', 14, 24, 7);
      ALTER TABLE history_log drop PRIMARY KEY, ADD INDEX (id), DROP INDEX history_log_2, ADD INDEX history_log_2 (itemid, id);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_log', 14, 24, 7);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_str', 14, 24, 7);
      ALTER TABLE history_text DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD INDEX (id), DROP INDEX history_text_2, ADD INDEX history_text_2 (itemid, id);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_text', 14, 24, 7);

i. Changes setting of primary keys on history_log and hoistory_text tables and adds initial partitioning
ii. Adds maintaining 14 daily partitions, each one with 24h data and creates 7 new partitions for next 7 days

    1. Additionally event maintaining partitioning needs to be created by
      cat partitioning_event.sql | mysql -uroot
      This file contains:
      DELIMITER $$
      CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS `part_manage`
      STARTS '2016-08-02 00:05:00'
      COMMENT 'Zabbix partitioning'
      DO BEGIN
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history', 14, 24, 7);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_uint', 14, 24, 7);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_log', 14, 24, 7);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_str', 14, 24, 7);
      CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_text', 14, 24, 7);
      If it will be any needs to change how long raw history data needs to be kept above zabbix_part_manager event needs to be dropped, changed settings in this event and event needs to be created again.
    2. Disable over zabbix web frontend housekeeping history tables
      Administration->General->Housekeeping-> History -> uncheck “Enable internal housekeeping” -> Update

Other things done:

  1. Changed global settings of the inventory mode to “auto”
    Administration->General-->Other-> change “Default host inventory mode” to “Automatic” -> Update
    # Fixed problem with unknown MySQL root password. Reset DB backend root password
    1. Stop mysqld service
    2. Start manually
      /usr/libexec/mysqld basedir=/usr datadir=/var/lib/mysql user=mysql log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --skip-grant-tables
    3. Set root password
      mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("XXXXXXX") where user='root';
    4. killall mysqld
    5. Start mysqld service